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Evan Kubota

Position: Trustee
Term: March 2022 - January 2026
Appointing Authority: Town of Windsor
Email Address:
May contain: person, human, blazer, coat, jacket, clothing, apparel, suit, overcoat, and man

Why did you choose to join the MSMVCD Board of Trustees? / Why is the mission of mosquito and vector control important to you? I wanted to represent the Town of Windsor in our role as a participating entity within the District. I believe thoughtful and responsible pest control is an important role in our community and hope to help further that mission.

What is your relevant expertise?  I am a former county employee in Marin and San Mateo county with experience in code enforcement and law enforcement.  I also manage the day to day operations, including compliance and finance of a moderate sized private security firm.

Educational/Professional background:  BS in Criminal Justice, AA in History.  Former Deputy Sheriff and Covid-19 Enforcement Officer.  Currently the Director of Field Operations for Execushield, Inc.  a private security firm.

List of service clubs you belong to (if any):  Veteran’s of Foreign Wars, American Legion, Japanese American Citizen’s League

Other information you wish to share about yourself:  I have recently begun to get involved with local government on a volunteer basis and hope to gain important experience and insight from this board.